Showing 1–12 of 20 results
IP #1 Who, What, How, and Why
$2.50 Add to cartThis pamphlet contains excerpts from the NA White Booklet.
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #11 Sponsorship, Revised
$2.50 Add to cartThis introductory pamphlet helps provide an understanding of sponsorship.
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #12 The Triangle of Self-Obsession
$2.50 Add to cartThis pamphlet describes how to identify and deal with resentment, anger, and fear.
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #13 By Young Addicts, For Young Addicts
$3.30 Add to cartThis pamphlet focuses on crises young people often face on the road to recovery.
\We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #14 One Addict’s Experience…
$2.50 Add to cartOne recovering addict describes his introduction to Narcotics Anonymous and his journey through NA’s first three Steps.
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #15 PI and the NA Member
$2.50 Add to cartA description of NA’s public relations program and the individual member’s role
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #16 For the Newcomer
$2.50 Add to cartAn explanation of the basics of the NA program for addicts attending their first meeting
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #19 Self-Acceptance
$2.50 Add to cartIdentifying the problem of a lack of self-acceptance and applying the Twelve Steps of NA
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #20 H&I Service and the NA Member
$2.50 Add to cartAn overview of H&I outreach to addicts
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #22 Welcome to NA
$2.50 Add to cartFor the addict who has just arrived in NA
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #23 Staying Clean on the Outside
$2.50 Add to cartThis pamphlet aims to help NA members through the transition from a hospital or institution to continuing NA recovery.
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)
IP #26 Accessibility for Those with Additional Needs
$2.50 Add to cartThis pamphlet is an abbreviated version of the Additional Needs Resource Information.
We sell in bundles of 10 only. Qty 1 = 10 IP (Price is reflective of 10)